
Welcome to my blog. This site was created as a way to organize many different elements I use to help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms.

There will always be a place for integrating technology into the classroom. As new technologies are invented, it takes time before it is common place in the realm of education. It takes brave teachers who are willing to take the time and effort to learn about the new technology and find ways to use the technology to impact students. I am sure it took time before the movie strips were integrated into lessons. I can hear a teacher saying, “I could never work that thing. It is too complicated.” But someone saw the potential and tried it in the classroom. I am sure there were glitches and problems. Today videos are so common most people wouldn’t even think of not using a video to teach a concept. Of course today we stream our videos from the web or show a DVD.

When I started teaching 16 years ago, I would never had dreamed that I would use a small 10 inch by 8 inch device as I walked around my room. But a day does not go by without me using my iPad for either classroom administrative tasks or instructional tasks.

This blog is my way of helping teachers take small steps at using new technologies in the classroom. If you take it ONE BYTE AT A TIME you can be a pro at using these technologies with your students.

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